Our Beliefs About Quality Treatment
Psych On Site believes that every nursing care and personal care facility should be fully equipped with the time, resources, and the clinical and medical staff necessary to address the myriad of mental and behavioral health needs of its residents. Our comprehensive services include professional initial assessments and individualized treatment plans consisting of therapeutic counseling by specially trained and licensed clinical staff as well as diagnostic evaluations and medication management by trained medical staff. Residents receive psychological treatment by our clinical staff two times per week and psychiatric visits are typically two times per month.

The Concerns of the Family
Families tasked with finding a skilled nursing facility for their loved ones often center on how well the facility attends to the physical needs and well-being of its residents, placing very little emphasis on their mental or behavioral needs. Studies show that 50 percent of older adults in nursing homes suffer from symptoms of depression or anxiety, often coinciding with a decline in physical wellness, a loss of independence, separation from family and friends, and adapting to a new and often permanent environment. How a facility will address those crucial needs is important to the peace of mind of families needing to place a loved one in a skilled nursing setting.
Studies and Statistics
Independent research documents the overwhelming benefits of therapeutic counseling and talk-therapy for residents of skilled nursing and long-term care facilities. When the ability to live independently and in relative good physical condition is no longer possible, coupled with separation from family and friends, symptoms such as grief, loss, anxiety, frustration and sadness can be expected. Through therapeutic counseling, we can assist in managing symptoms of depression, anxiety and overall mood disorders that your love one might experience.

Encouraged Participation
It is expected that family members should advocate for involvement in a loved one's mental healthcare plan. We encourage this involvement by having the Psych On Site clinical staff confer with the social services director at each facility on a monthly basis to discuss and review each resident's mental or behavioral issues and treatment plan. This collaborative teamwork is inclusive of families who want to stay informed of a loved one's treatment and provides an opportunity for family involvement through the respective social services director.